Sunday, May 29, 2011

Network Marketing : Your Best Bet!

Network Marketing: You’re Best Bet!

Take a look at a comparison done on ways to increase your Income. This information is sourced from Jordan Adler, author of Beach Money. Jordan is a Millionaire Network Marketing Professional. In his book he gives his comparison of Network Marketing against different ways to increase ones income.

Get a Second or Better Job                                            Beach Money-(Network Marketing)
Boss decides pay increase                                              No Boss ( you decide the pay
Limited Income Potential                                                Unlimited Income Potential
Linear Income (paid once for work)                               No Linear Income( get paid over and over for
Stop working , stop getting paid                                     doing work once.
Quit – Stop getting paid                                                 Stop working still get paid          
Just a job (Minimal personal growth )                             Personal Development Opportunities

Go Back to College                                                                           Beach Money
You Pay up to $200,000 tuition                                     You pay less than $1000 to get started
Guarantee-a diploma                                                     Guarantee – get paid while you learn
No Income during college                                         Graduate in one to four years with Beach money income
Classroom training                                                            On the Job real life business training

Open a Franchise                                                                                 Beach Money
Hire and manage employees                                                     No employees to manage
Buy capital equipment                                                              No capital investment
Invest $50,000 to $200,000 up front                                        unlimited potential up 1,000,000 in first three
Limited potential – up to $75,000 per year after 3rd year          Years
Franchise fees                                                                          No Franchise fees
Long term Leases                                                                     Work from home
Three to five years to break even                                              Make your investment back right away
Your business owns you                                                           Total time freedom –work when you want to

It’s clear from this comparison, that the Beach Money model is by far one of the best choices for creating unlimited growth potential and time freedom with little to no upfront investment.

Source: Beach Money , Jordan Adler

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Ultimate Pyramid Scheme......Corporate America

I laugh every time I hear the Phrase Pyramid scheme , especially when applied to the Network Marketing profession.

What is a Pyramid ? If you really think about it , every organization in existence is a Pyramid. Take coprprate America for example. Here is a true pyramid scheme at its best .

 You have the masses at the bottom feeding all the income to the top tier of the organization. All the bottom feeders are fighting amongst each other trying to move up. This my friends is the worst path to financial freedom, in fact its almost impossible to achieve financial freedom this way.

Conversely , starting your own Network Marketing business allows you to become your own CEO, and build an organization from scratch. It allows you to leverage the time and work of others to create a passive residual income , the most powerful form of Income there is. Although still based in the Pyramid structure , you yourself can be at the top of your own Pyramid. Your goal is to help others to get to the top where you are.  In fact in most companies , the more people that you help promote within your network marketing business , the better you will be paid. A total different spin then corporate America , where most people are backstabbing each other to get to the top.

There's two ways of becoming wealthy in America, multiply money or multiple people. In the Network Marketing profession you multiply people. Neither are achievable in Corporate America.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Does Network Marketing Work?

I think a common theme occurs in the world of Network Marketing. Many people will get involved in a company that they believe offers a great product or service , only to make a few dollars and quit because they don't become rich overnight. Its such a common theme that its created a negative view towards the Network Marketing Profession.

There is a big difference in someone that makes say $20,000 dollars a month , and somenone that doesnt make it at all in the Network Marketing Industry. And no its not because they got in at the beginning , or because they are on top , its because they treat their business as a serious investment , not a part time hobby. Most top income earners will tell you that this profession is a 3-5 year commitment , and takes a consistent and persistent effort which over that period of time can create massive incomes. The problem is many people are not aware of this and tend to think the business does not work because they only gave it three months.

I always give the analogy what would you rather take $3 million dollars cash , or a penny that doubled in value for 30 days? Most people would probably would jump on the 3 million right? Well if they did, they just left $7 million dollars on the table, as that little penny becomes $10 million dollars. And if you don't believe me , do the Math yourself , its scary. Well that my friends is the Network Marketing profession. You need to give your opportunity the appropriate time to allow your efforts to pay off. Very similar to compound interest.

Where else can you become financially free in 3-5 years? Not many other professions can boast this. 
Just Master your business and become a true professioanl in the Network Marketing Industry.