I laugh every time I hear the Phrase Pyramid scheme , especially when applied to the Network Marketing profession.
What is a Pyramid ? If you really think about it , every organization in existence is a Pyramid. Take coprprate America for example. Here is a true pyramid scheme at its best .
You have the masses at the bottom feeding all the income to the top tier of the organization. All the bottom feeders are fighting amongst each other trying to move up. This my friends is the worst path to financial freedom, in fact its almost impossible to achieve financial freedom this way.
Conversely , starting your own Network Marketing business allows you to become your own CEO, and build an organization from scratch. It allows you to leverage the time and work of others to create a passive residual income , the most powerful form of Income there is. Although still based in the Pyramid structure , you yourself can be at the top of your own Pyramid. Your goal is to help others to get to the top where you are. In fact in most companies , the more people that you help promote within your network marketing business , the better you will be paid. A total different spin then corporate America , where most people are backstabbing each other to get to the top.
There's two ways of becoming wealthy in America, multiply money or multiple people. In the Network Marketing profession you multiply people. Neither are achievable in Corporate America.
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